Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stockings & Perfumes

I've discovered my new phase : stockings and perfumes.
I know, weird, weird combo. Given the sad and cold weather, i'm recently into the search of "world's thickest and warmest stockings".In 2 days, I've spent more than $50 buying 4 stockings, they were okay, some are nice, but non of them are thick enough to satisfy my needs. At Westfield today, I also decided to drop by one of those asian socks stores in between no where to search for some wool stockings. This korean lady attempted to sell me this thick, but non flattering stockingsfor $20. Given my asian instinct, I decided to bargain with her. She said" NO NO cheaper, this is from Korea, I must pay shipping fee, no more cheap".

and so in my mind I quickly calculated :" 20 X 7 = HK140, i reckon i can get a nicer looking and better quality wool stockings from my hometown hong kong, and straight after i said " nah I'll think about it thank you"...she did that "unhappy" face and refused to say anything back to me..oh well..asians..

With perfumes, I was walking past perfume connection yesterday and decided to go in and have a look. I was never really into perfumes cause i REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the "floral smell"...tim asked me what's a floral smell, my definition is..:" those flowery rosey yucky smell that old aunties wear to dinner".

Those smell seriously makes me puke and have a headache.

But anyway, I did my research last night on youtube, and yes, those youtubers will "describe" the smell to you and you have to just "imagine" how the smell would be and choose whether or not you'd wanna buy it.

Anyway, went to Myers today and sprayed test 30 samples on those perfume sheet thing, and after replying 15 times to the Myers workers :" ah nah i'm just browsing thanks", I spent $95 and bought...

Juicy Couture's Couture Couture

It smells, okay, a mix of sweet anI guess most of the perfumes will either be fully on "ewwww yuck" to me or "oh this is okay, doesn't annoy me", but non of them would allow me to go " mmmm this smells so good!" so there goes the neutral.

Ages ago in high school, I used to use Tommy Girl, not for the smell, more to "hide my shame of not showering for 5 days", so for now, maybe I can use JC's couture couture for the same purpose too.

I also bought this so not worth it beanie for FOURTY DOLLARS from sportsgirl, but it's worth it =), really useful for my end of year UK trip! Don't know if I would want to wear this around uni though..i..might.

Anyway I really need to make up some sort of a study plan because i'm waaaay behind schedule. Hmm....btw
Happy 30th Birthday Pac Man.

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