Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

10 Reasons why Hong Kong is so good

Some pictures from my Hong Kong trip:

I'm really really really looking forward for my hong kong trip next year! Though it's still about 8 months away, It will be a memorable one =)

Hong Kong, which I claim to be my hometown, is a beautiful city. Here's 10 reasons why Hong Kong is so good!

1. Super Good and Cheap Shopping everywhere! (My style)

2. Ridiculous yummy chinese food...from dim sum to wonton noodles to the desserts...

3. Shops don't close till late night so I can shop from 9am-9pm everyday! better night life!

4. Public transport is soooo efficient, miss the train? wait 2 minutes for the next one to arrive

5. There are live TVB boardcast dramas there! don't need to megaupload everyday

6. The probability of me seeing a HK celebrity is 70%- there are promotional events nearly everyday or just walk around in IFC to find some.

7. What else? Lam Fung is there!

8. A good place to work if you want more working opportunities

9. Hong Kong is also a "stop by" place for "cheap tours" to other Asian countries!

10. If Hong Kong can produce Andrew Chan then it must be the perfect country in the world

I mean obviously there are many other reasons why Hong Kong is so good, but the most obvious ones are food and shopping!

Going to Hong Kong at least once a year would be my dream!

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Nightrat Returns- Look what garlic did to me.

As you all know I've been pretty good with my diet since I started gym one year ago, been exercising regularly, not having much desserts at all, and one thing that I have changed heaps was not being a "night rat". My family members give me this name called "night rat" cause I do actually used to eat supper nearly EVERY SINGLE day for the last 3 years. It's REALLY REALLY BAD. Reasons why I keep going upstairs to get food?

1. I usually watch tvb dramas late at night and whenever I watch dramas i got this really bad habit that i just HAVE to eat something eventhough i'm not that hungry.

2. My sleeping patterns have changed so obviously eating pattern changed too.

3. This is a really weird reason but all of you should know that i loveeeee raw garlic (besides raw onions) and I like to eat it with only 3 dishes- chinese dishes with rice, fried noodles, and ABC soup. That's it. Obviously, raised in an Asian family, my mum cooks asian food 6 out of 7 days so this is how it happens:

I like garlic
I put garlic on my plate
I that enough?
Nah..better put more
Eats garlic with noodles
After noodles finished, garlic still leftover
oh..since there's more garlic
I guess more noodles then
Oh wait, I think I need more garlic than this though..
Adds garlic again..

And this is how I keep eating and eating and eating non stop.

So to make it short, I have been keeping my diet really well until recently i have been REALLY bad I ate supper EVERY SINGLE DAY when i'm actually not even that hungry...sigh..gloria wong..why why.

So from now on, I'm going to do a NO SUPPER BAN for NON SOCIALISING PURPOSES for 2 months until the 28th of August.

which basically means I'm not allowed to have supper at home but given special circumstances where friends invite me out, I will. but not too much.

So please don't keep inviting me out for petaling street and pp everyday!

One thing I have to say though is that eating garlic made me fat, made opening my mouth even MORE unattractive, but I know it has definitely helped me to prevent myself from a flu. I've been eating this CENOVIS Garlic Pill for 2 years now and i'm not trying to exaggerate it or wtv but whenever I have sore throat or when I start sneezing, I go uh oh sick time but after 2 tablets a day for a week, I realised I still haven't got a cold yet.

I know you guys are saying EW AS IF BS now but yeah to my true friends, you can buy the garlic pill from Safeway.

Please do not run away from me when I smell like garlic.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

For F1 fans

What's strange about this picture ?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One thing Emily Chow is better than me at

Besides the fact that I have bigger muscles and can do a better "passport photo" shrek smile than Emily, Emily is better than me in a lot of things: music, english, sports, a better sibling, beauty, height, eggs, driving, cooking, name it. One thing that Emily is better than me for sure is...


Who wins?

I have to admit, after my painful experience today, it's Perfect Sightreading.

Today i was kinda bored and thought of playing some songs that I heard from youtube on the piano, I then went to search for some piano scores, printed it out and notes are all above that five line thingy and I don't recognise them. So off I went line by line trying to count up from C. Anyway, after an hour, i only managed to play FOUR BARS...yes..not even a quater of a page..I literally had to write everything down cause I just could not read the notes properly.

So then, I decided to try and make use of my new found talent. I took my laptop, played the youtube song, and played by ear. and yes, I did managed to figure out how to play the song eventually, but it was soooo what if you can recognise all the notes? it's easy to play out a song that you already know, but a song that you don't really me even if I could identify all the notes I could not even memorize the first 20 seconds of it.

My oldest sister told me few days ago, it's either you have perfect pitch but really bad sightreading or perfect sightreading and not so good hearing.

So then I told myself, perfect pitch is not that good after all. I'd rather be good at sight reading...

so.. Congratulations Emily. Here, have some melonas.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sneak Preview of my new house

This is where I would be moving to in 2 weeks time...7th of July..


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Quote of the day

Tim: WHAT? a red card? that's a bit harsh......sigh Australia has no hope now..

Glo: Yeah...Devin needs to take a plane now to South Africa and save Australia..too bad Andrew injured his knees..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

28 to 9

I usually listen to 89.9 morning news whenever I have to wake up early to go to uni. Few days ago, I heard

"28 to 9, light fm"..

and I told must be the to 9 means...err...what time? 9.00- 28 minutes= ..... errr..what's that..ummm can't do .....

okay so how about half past 8 means 8.30 so if there is 28 more minutes to 9 means 30 minutes-28 minutes = 2 minutes + 30 minutes back again...

OH...I GET IT!!! IT'S 8.32 now!!! and by the time I figured it's already 8.35

Seriously, why 28 to 9, why can't they just say "it's 8.32, light fm.."

what...8.32 is 28 to 9? I think it is...

I mean..eventhough your listeners are christians doesn't mean that they're all smart...

I'm one example...

I think that's just the aussie way of saying the time, I dunno. Maybe that's how EVERYONE tells the time, but I don't. We don't do that in Malaysia...

It's either I'm weird, or you're weird. or we're both weird...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

3 ways to reduce stress during exams

Wassup readers as you all know I have finished my 3rd paper and have got one more paper to go next week...just thought I would share some effective ways of allowing yourself to be motivated to study while at the same time reducing some stress.

If within these two weeks you've told yourself the following phrases

"gg...I really cbs studying anymore..."
"sigh i'm so tired I can't do this.."
"how come I take so long to finish exams when everyone else has already finished, it's not fair"
"why do I have to go through all these pain for??"
"How I wished I could just stay on and finish watching this world cup match"
"oh whaaaat? my lunch time is gonee? so fastt....awwww"

you're in the same category as me. I've tried out the following 3 ways and it works!

Number 1

Make short term goals and take short term breaks

NEVER study more than 1 hour straight, please, take a rest. Even if it's just a 5 minute break, it works. So it could be "I'll finish 1 lecture then take a break" or " after I finish 3 questions I'll take a break" , make your goals short term, rather than " I need to finish these wholeeeee exam paper before I can take a break". Be careful though, when taking a break, try not to take a break with relation to the internet, trust me, we're all humans, a "5 minute break on facebook" will NOT equal to 5 minutes and you'll regret later.

So best solution is to stay away from the computer, and only "reward" yourself with the internet only by the end of the day after you've finished all you wanna do and before you sleep. But during study periods, it's not advisbale to go on the internet.

The short 5-10 minute breaks that I have been taking are : visiting gladdi, go upstairs and take a glass of water, call/sms friends, go toilet, taking pictures of myself and my lecture notes with my phone, , switching on my portable heater and sit infront of it.

So long you go back to work after the 5-10 breaks, this strategy will definitely work to help you be motivated again.

Number 2

Even before your exam finishes, start setting yourself heaps of activities to celebrate and enjoy after exams

It works for me. Whenever I tell myself "gg can't wait for this to be over why do I have to go through all these" I will start thinking about the activities I would have for the next few days after exams like:

Thursday- Go Tim's House and watch TVB dramas
Friday- Gym + Friend's 21st party
Saturday- Mentoring and hang out with Jo
Sunday- church and Mahjong party!

The result you'll get from setting these plans are : "it's okay I can enjoy all these things after..common not long to go...think about all these fun things coming up glozza, you can do it"

I have been surviving my last month with these and it works!

It definitely gives you "something to look forward to "

Number 3

Most importantly, what else ? PRAY!

Philippians 4:6-8

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

also, good to have a verse that you can keep in mind to be motivated!

All in all, this works for some but not for all. Hope it helps!

All the best for all your upcoming exams!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bored? Check out the ratings of your teacher

That day I was upstairs "cheking up" on Gladdi like I always do, and she was looking at this website as some of you would know :

It's basically a website where you can rate your teachers, good fun for a couple of us who can still remember our high school teachers' name at least

I checked out my school of course, Balwyn High..

and there were couple of mean comments on all my year 12 teachers like Mrs Mahandos, Mr Yang, and Mrs

Interesting to have a read especially when you're bored! It brings back memories! Most of your schools should be there!

Have fun!

Monday, June 14, 2010

A way to get braces but still look pretty

It's called Lingual Braces

Where the braces go behind your teeth instead of the front

YAY googling this really made my day!

I can finally have braces without looking ugly or being unprofessional (for next year)

I shall do my lingual braces in...July!

No more Shrek looking Gloria!!

Byebye Shrek!

In two years time, I can finally start smiling with teeth!

I haven't smiled with teeth for 15 years since:

I miss smiling with teeth =D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sigh got a massive headache but gotta just eat a panadol and keep studying..

why am i so hardworking..sigh..I tell myself, just go to sleep. But suddenly there's this little thing in me that says" noooo you have to keep studying you haven't finished studying yet you still got a lot to do!

Oh well, what can you do in situation like this

My solution?

Take a panadol, watch world cup for a while, the keep studying.

In the next two hours until 3am I gotta:

- Finish watching Messi's match
- Finish my audio lecture
- Prepare for Sunday School
- Do my QT

better get going!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My 10 "must click" sites + My Tempted Day

Most of us tend to go online every single day. Even if we're in the middle of exams and have no time for food, we would still go online for at least 5-10 minutes to "take a break". We all have those frequently clicked sites where we would start clicking it as soon as the computer turns on. What are yours? Mine are:

1. Facebook
2. Hotmail
3. Uni Mail
4. Gmail
5. TVB News
6. My Blog
7. Youtube- Xteeener
8. Our Daily Bread
9. Youtube- Bubzbeauty
10 Xiaxue Blog

I can't believe the first site I'd actually click is Facebook. Why facebook? Wouldn't it be hotmail? Well...I guess facebook is the way to go now. Anything to inform people, talk to people, invite people, stalk people, facebook is the way to go.

Funny enough, after I've opened 10 links, I'd slowly close one by one down. And after I've done all i needed to do on the internet and plan to switch off the computer, the last thing I would do is..yes click on facebook and have a quick look to see if anyone's written anything on my status/wall again. I get so excited whenever is see a red box with numbers on the top left corner.

Today was meant to be my study day, and yeah i did some productive study in the afternoon, planned to do more at night but Neil tempted me (again after I agreed to play mahjong yesterday) to hang around with the youth kids and go check out the new hong kong dessert place upstairs of Petaling Street. It was good fun though!

Quite good, and must say am impress with the idea of just an asian version of pancake parlour for people to hang around late at night. Dessert's quite good and it really does make me feel like i'm in Asia for some reason. I felt like I was in Hong Kong with the layout of the shop, but it made me feel more like Malaysia with the big screen TV showing FIFA.

It is a potential nice hang out place..better if there was mahjong there ...

oh no i am addicted to mahjong =( I've even installed mahjong on my computer...

gg. what happened to me

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quote of the day

Anonymous: Hey that middle girl looks like Tyra Banks

Glo: Errr...that's Beyonce.

Anonymous: Oh...ok...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recipe of the day- The Sauce of Chubilly

Eaten in the year of chubilly.

If any of you ever wanted to make some sort of steak sauce to go with your beef, this is the best, , tastiest, smoothest, most delicious, most renowned sauce ever

The Sauce of Chubilly

1 tablespoon olive oil
500g small beef bones
2 eschallots, thinly sliced
6 black peppercorns
4 sprigs thyme
1 clove garlic, bruised
1 bay leaf
80ml port
200ml red wine
500ml veal stock
80ml veal glace
40g chopped butter

Make your self some sauce and enjoy your day!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Can boys still grow at 22?

You wish Devin Toh

Devin claimed on facebook that he has grown 1cm taller.

I then decided to google "Can boys still grow after 20" and this is what Wiki answers gave me..

Can a boy grow even at age 20 with proper exercises when human growth stops?

Your body never stops regenerating so with diet and exercise you can develop larger muscles, a stronger frame, etc. Vertical (spine and leg bone) growth is probably done at age 20, though, so if you're looking to get taller it most likely won't happen.

Your 1cm could be due to

Inaccuracy in measurement
Wearing higher based shoes
Forgot to have a hair cut
or simply,
you're just a gun.

good news is, I then decided to google for


and Wikianswers gave me..

Most certainly, albeit height growth spurts in girls usually occur at an earlier age. Remeber that you aren't really done growing until your late 20's. I wouldn't expect a whole foot, but a few inches are certainly possible

Given that I'm only 20, I STILL GOT 10 more years to grow WOOHOO!

I just need to
-Drink more milk to get calcium- I think that's for bones
-Eat more protein from I don't know what.
-Drink peanut root soup
-Keep going to gym
-Eat healthy.

and one day I will grow 5cm taller out.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Please make the most out of your uni life.

When I first started uni i was like..yeah..this is fun..this is new..then after a while i'm like..yeah stuff it this is boring...and i hardly ever tried to "get into" the fun uni life- hanging around union house, staying in the library studying, using uni gym, being active in uni clubs etc..

I tried to squeeze all my subjects into one day so I would only need to go to uni 2-3 days a week from 8-5 sometimes with only 15 mins of lunch break.

Reason for that being : CBS going to the city everyday, PT takes ages and it's annoying, I wanna stay home and sleep in.

But now, I've come to approach the last days of my uni life.. as I've only got 1 more semester of uni left..I am actually really regretting not making use of my uni life =(

If I could've done things a lil bit more different, I would've:

  • Be more active in clubs..i.e eventhough I was a subcommittee I seriously didn't bother doing much things =(
  • Join uni gym with my friends
  • Stay at uni after lectures to hang around more with friends
  • Join Christian Union/Focus on uni ministry
  • Studied harder for uni. i.e instead of just memorizing everything or leave things till last minute, I should've actually take interest in my subjects and try to do more consistent study, prepare for tute work every week etc.
  • Pick more interesting subjects at uni. Come to think of it, I actually really know what I like doing now. Yes it is Accounting, and I'm happy i'm doing Accounting, but it's Accounting AND Marketing. Not Accounting and Finance...I've wasted all these years trying to do Finance and now I'm dropping it. Now it's too late for me to take a marketing degree because I have to do that from first year..sigh..
  • There are all these subjects where I really wanna do now like "childcare education, marketing, creativity and arts, chinese cinema.." but it's too late for me to do now, because it's all offered on Semeseter 1 and I no longer have any semester 1s at uni =( sad face..why did I pick chinese for the past 4 semesters? lol
  • Not sleep or muck around in lectures drawing pictures on ppl's notes and then coming home saying " yeah i'll read that later" but i never do and when exam comes i'm like ...huh? i did this?
  • Go for Uni ball. I've never been to a uni ball =( I always wanted to go but..just..never got to =( I said I will go in year 3 uni but now i'm like which one to go to sigh.
  • Drive to uni. Driving to uni is sooooooooo good you feel like, "less stressful" and less of your time is spent on PT'ing. Why didn't I drive to uni earlier

Sigh, after this long list of regrets, what can I do now to make the most out of my uni life?

For the next 6 months, I've already planned or hope to

  • Spread my uni timetable out so I can hang around with friends for lunch
  • Have Mahjong after exam party with uni friends
  • Attend all of their 21st party eventhough it's all in the city
  • Join uni gym/kungfu club to learn wing chun lol
  • Focus more on lectures, do my readings, and my tute work
  • Reach out more to my uni friends
  • Attend some sort of Christian bible study groups
  • Dye my hair some crazy weird colour because I can never do that ever again if I don't

Looks like staying in the city won't be a bad thing after all, yes, a bit away from church, but a bit closer to the place where I should be reaching out to...

Maybe God has a plan to let this happen. We'll see where He takes me.

Thanks God=)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As you all know I'll be moving house on the 7th of July, about a month from now. My dad said "SELL EVERYTHING YES SELL EVERYTHING I WANT EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE GONE"

So if you want to buy cheap but good quality beds, desks, dressing tables, soft toys, shelves,chairs, lamps, kitchen appliances, clothes, shoes, Raymond Lam's posters, dvds, books, plants, pink things, gloria or gladys, please come over before the real garage sales on the 26th of June.

Let me know. Price may vary depending on the quality of goods.

Sigh, byebye house =(

Friday, June 4, 2010

Using a webcam

Today is my first time checking out the webcam on my new Eee Pc...and instead of chatting, this is all i got from using it.

Keep fixing hair and..

above are actually direct quotes.

I discovered a new talent!


Tim and I were talking about perfect pitch today. We then decided to test ourselves. I sang a C and it was correct. Then I decided to youtube random songs on piano and test if I knew what all the notes were. Both of us being Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber fans, we youtubed "When I look at you" and "Baby". First note on When I look at you was..F sharp, Tim said G. We started fighting on who was right and ended up in the piano. and I was right! lol!

I found a talent that I'm better at Tim at!

Time to add to my list of things that I'm better than Tim: Languages, Make Up, Accounting, and Perfect Pitch.

I wonder if Andrew has perfect pitch too..

Anyway, those of you who wants to test if you have perfect pitch or not,

Click Perfect Pitch test, takes you less than 1 minute if you can identify 12 of them straight away.

And once you get this,
Congratulations! You're welcomed into the cool group!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

7 reasons why I really hate Optus

This is quite an angry emo post so I would advise most of my readers to skip this and scroll down to read the conclusion only. However, if you're unfortunately still part of Optus, please continue reading.

Some American optus lady called me using the robotic read off the script voice. And this is how the conversation went

Optus Robot :" Hi, if you switch back to optus you're entitled to receive a free phone such as the Iphone"

I kindly interupted by saying
Gloria:: "No sorry I'm not intereted"

Optus Robot: but miss, why don't you allow me to continue telling you about these offers we have first.

Gloria: no please it's okay, I told myself before, I will not switch back to Optus no matter what you say.

Optus Robot: may I know why?

Gloria: because I don't like your customer service and I have really bad optus reception at my house. but yeah, mainly because i just don't like your customers service, like, really really don't like.

Optus Robot: oh okay, I will note that down, Thanks.

*hangs up*

Truly, why optus?

Here's 10 real reasons why I really hate optus and will not convert back to Optus again no matter what free new iphone they're going to give me

1. The connection really really really suck at my house. The longest conversatoin = 30 seconds then it goes hello? hello? hello? then hangs up.

2. Back then, the deals were extremely expensive and a rip off. I signed up for a $35 plan + $5 handset and I only had can't remember, but very very very little credit. I know now they've improved and caught up with 3 but too late

3. My phone died after 1 year+ I went back and see what could be done. I tried cancelling the contract and was willing to pay the fee. and guess how much it cost? $500+ the remaining fees 500 bucks? 3 quoted me 50 bucks and the 3 lady was even nice enough to let me wave off my fees. and so I decided to continue with my contract paying $41 a month for nearly a year without even using much credit because that was more worth it that way.

4. Can't do automatic roaming through the net etc, have to call stupid customer service. Once, at the airport, it took me nearly 2 hours to reach them that I could memorize those annoying music in the background. 2 hours just to transfer to get to customer service?

5. I had a couple of troubles with my phone before and I went to a physical optus shop. The service was so bad that they seemed really impatient with me and all they know how to say is "call customer service", once, the guy just handed me a slip with the customer service number without saying much at all.

6. When you call up customer service, not only it takes you AGES to even reach someone that can help you, after the person picks up the phone, uses robotic voice to read off the script for 5 minutes, after that you have a chance to speak, but, you need to take another 15mins answering stupid questions before you could get into the real topic.

6. After my contract ended, it was my own fault that I did not cancel it straight away so optus kept charging me $41 for 6 months eventhough my contract ended. Yes, it was my fault. So i do not blame them, but what got me really angry was I called them up to cancel it, and the lady confirmed to me clearly that my contract is cancelled.

A month later, my bill arrived again. I called up, and yes, after wasting my time trying to get to them again, they said my contract hasn't been cancelled. No matter how many times I said I did do it they refused to believe me and made me cancel again.

7. Gladys was using my optus number at that time and the lady said she will send my mum an email on transfer of membership/number or wtv it is to fill in the form. My mum waited for 1 month and they did not send her the form.

After 1 month, my bill arrived AGAIN despite many times of cancelling.

Okay you get my story


Optus has really bad customer service, it will take you ages to reach their customer service and they do not do what you tell them to do or what they promised you to do. So please do not get optus. Thanks.

Anyway, I actually really do want an Iphone. I've told myself though that I will definitely buy an iphone with my first pay next year to..."reward myself.".

Alright to tone down this post, I shall post up some tiny secrets

I like Miley Cyrus

Tim has Bieber Fever.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy 1 year anniversary gym!

Today is my 1st year anniversary of going to gym. I wonder how long this is going to last for. 2 years? I doubt it.

A full time KPMG Audit employee + CA student would not be able to make it to gym. Unless the gym opens till midnight for me. Which is possible, because my mum told me she wants to make an "indoor home gym" at my new house. Who knows, it might be true, or it might be like another "aquarium chair" idea that is not achievable.

Let me reflect upon my 1 year gym experience.

I initially started going to Genesis Doncaster with Tim.

When I first started, I went to gym 3 times a week. I kept going for THT aerobics class, body pump, and normal gym.

3 months later, Tim decided to be a Bernadette and gave up on gym. Since then, he occasionally does 50 push ups a day and eats 1.5kg of gummy bears all by himself.

3 months later, I was a little demotivated because Tim doesn't go to gym with me anymore. Luckily, my gym buddy Joanne decided to join Genesis with me and since then I not only became a regular gym attendee but also made a very good friend =)

Within the first 6 months of gym, I was very tempted to transfer to either Fitness First or Aquarena with Yiing. However, I still stayed true to Genesis until I got pretty sick of their smelly weights machines with guy's sweat smell. Furthermore, I also didn't like the fact how 6 out of 10 treadmills would be "not in use" and you can never find parking within 5pm-7pm.

Within the first 6 months of gym, I've also reversed into someone's holden car while trying to back out from gym and that goes my first accident.

After 6 months in Genesis, in addition with my little increase of wealth from my KPMG job, I decided to take ove Xinni's Fitness First membership. My gym fees now have increase from $65 a month to $87 a month. Is it worth it?

If you ask me, I would say yes only if I go to gym 3 times a week.

However, since then, my last 6 months of gym, I started going to gym only twice a week. One body pump, one normal gym. My motivation for gym now isn't to lose weight, or get healthy, but simply because to justify the amount i'm paying.

Btw, within a year, my gym buddy has changed from Tim to Joanne to now, my mum.

I have to admit that within this year, I've probably put on 2kg in muscles and lost 1kg of fat. So all in all, I've lost 1kg in 1 year. Putting weights aside, I feel that I am a much healthier person. Whenever I stop going to the gym for let's say 1 week, I actually have this 'unhealthy feeling".
My diet has also improved since then. No more magnum icecream, 2 lunches, and supper everyday.

Good job Gloria Wong. Keep it up.

My goal for next year? Continue to make my muscles a fixed asset and lost another kg of fat.

Till then, we'll see.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Weird Dream

Last night, I had the weirdest dream, I dreamt that Tim sold me on Ebay. and this is how it looked.
