Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"I'll leave that till later"

There are many things in life where we feel like we should do but either due to our age, inexperience, lack of time, or wtv reason it may be, we say to ourselves : yeah i'll do it, but till later when i'm older".

Have you ever had experiences like this?

One of the examples I can think of is reading newspapers. I never thought that reading newspapers were important for me now. I listen to 89.9 news daily, occassionally read the headlines of the newspapers, but never been bothered to fully read a newspaper or at least find out what's been happening. That's probably why I don't really know much about the world. I have no idea about huge incidents like wars, floods, vocalno explosion etc, nor anything about what's been happening with the "business" world.

If I ever had to read the newspaper, I would turn to the "fun section" where the movie reviews are. That's it.

I always told myself, newspapers are for old people. One day when I start working and get married, I will wake up early, read the newspaper while eating my breakfast before I start work. That's always something I wanted to do.

But one week ago, my financial accounting tutor told me : the best way to help yourself during the exam is to read the age business section.

I told myself, as if I will.

But inside my heart there's a tiny voice telling me : what if it will really help you in your exams..

and so I told myself again, As if.

The thought kept coming to my head again that I decided to give newspaper a try.

And so, I started reading The Age online. It has been 1 week, and I must say, it's not actually thaaat boring. Good to know little things here and there. My views on newspaper has changed.

Can you think of any other things where you'd go "I'll leave that till later".

I will change my topic to a Christian's perspective.

Christian examples could be :

Mission Trips
Reading the bible properly and understanding the concepts fully
Bible College
Serving at church
Attend prayer meetings
Listening to sermons seriously.

There are some things in life that are actually limited by our age such as you won't get married at the age of 16, or sponsor a child at the age of 12 when you're still not working. But, there are many things where we can do that are not limited by our age, ability, culture, and time. We give reasons, we always give reasons, I give reason, you give reason.

God will always provide for us at the right timing. If you ever feel the call to do something, go for it! Keep praying, asking for directions, confirmations, He will provide, you listen, you go, you do, and you won't regret. You will make Him proud.

That is all.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stockings & Perfumes

I've discovered my new phase : stockings and perfumes.
I know, weird, weird combo. Given the sad and cold weather, i'm recently into the search of "world's thickest and warmest stockings".In 2 days, I've spent more than $50 buying 4 stockings, they were okay, some are nice, but non of them are thick enough to satisfy my needs. At Westfield today, I also decided to drop by one of those asian socks stores in between no where to search for some wool stockings. This korean lady attempted to sell me this thick, but non flattering stockingsfor $20. Given my asian instinct, I decided to bargain with her. She said" NO NO cheaper, this is from Korea, I must pay shipping fee, no more cheap".

and so in my mind I quickly calculated :" 20 X 7 = HK140, i reckon i can get a nicer looking and better quality wool stockings from my hometown hong kong, and straight after i said " nah I'll think about it thank you"...she did that "unhappy" face and refused to say anything back to me..oh well..asians..

With perfumes, I was walking past perfume connection yesterday and decided to go in and have a look. I was never really into perfumes cause i REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the "floral smell"...tim asked me what's a floral smell, my definition is..:" those flowery rosey yucky smell that old aunties wear to dinner".

Those smell seriously makes me puke and have a headache.

But anyway, I did my research last night on youtube, and yes, those youtubers will "describe" the smell to you and you have to just "imagine" how the smell would be and choose whether or not you'd wanna buy it.

Anyway, went to Myers today and sprayed test 30 samples on those perfume sheet thing, and after replying 15 times to the Myers workers :" ah nah i'm just browsing thanks", I spent $95 and bought...

Juicy Couture's Couture Couture

It smells, okay, a mix of sweet anI guess most of the perfumes will either be fully on "ewwww yuck" to me or "oh this is okay, doesn't annoy me", but non of them would allow me to go " mmmm this smells so good!" so there goes the neutral.

Ages ago in high school, I used to use Tommy Girl, not for the smell, more to "hide my shame of not showering for 5 days", so for now, maybe I can use JC's couture couture for the same purpose too.

I also bought this so not worth it beanie for FOURTY DOLLARS from sportsgirl, but it's worth it =), really useful for my end of year UK trip! Don't know if I would want to wear this around uni though..i..might.

Anyway I really need to make up some sort of a study plan because i'm waaaay behind schedule. Hmm....btw
Happy 30th Birthday Pac Man.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Shrek

Today I went for my "twice in a year free teeth cleaning" service by Dr Frank Yang. As usual, I found someone to go with me and drive me there- this time the victim was Billy Chu.

As usual, Dr Frank said my ugly looking teeth were perfectly fine besides having a couple of hot nandos chicken in between. As usual, he also recommended me to take my wisdom tooth out, but should I? or would I? I've been told to take my wisdom tooth out for years but I was just too lazy to do it because it never really irritated me that badly. I was also about to get braces ever since I was in year 10- even did all the xray scans etc but never got to it, reasons being-

1. exam coming soon don't want to be in pain
2. going for mission trip don't want to be in pain
3. going for holiday don't want to be not able to eat good food
4. I'm too old to do this, I'll look ugly
5. I'm working next year already I don't want to look like a nerd it's unprofessional.

I mean, do I reaaaally need good teeth? I'm not going to enter beauty pageants or anything, and if my future husband is happy enough for me to have these ugly teeth and stuff, then i'm fine with it. Does it really bother ppl when they talk to me and all they could focus on is my ugly teeth? I know I can always hide it in photos by doing my world famous "gloria smile" otherwise known as The Shrek

So I guess, no braces for me?

Anyway, besides that, I had a fun time hanging around and chatting with chubilly, went to box hill later to hang out for a bit and we managed to get internet on our phone for $4 a month! woo hoo! sooo cheap! 3 is the best.

Today was my first time drinking a whole bubble cup by MYSELF since Feb this year...3 months no bubble cup..pretty impressive eh.

Anyways, back to writing my chinese essay now about piffy. And afterwards, really looking forward to read this bad boy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Earphones Review

One thing that i learnt today- never get electronic goods from ebay- you can't return them when they're faulty.

I recently bought this earphone from ebay cause it was $70 to buy it outside and only $25 to buy it from ebay.

It has finally arrived after 2 weeks (i thought it was never going to arrive, usually when i order make up it takes only 2 days) and this is what I found


Good sound quality


It doesn't fit into my ear! It's weird! It fits into my right ear but not the left, Initially i thought maybe I have asymetrical ears, but I told Tim to try it and it was the same problem for him too. So it's either both Tim and I have retarded ears, or there's a problem with manufacturing. I better go ask..Andrew for some solution..Meanwhile, I'll just use one ear- how sad

I can't use it in the bus and at uni because it's too loud, i put it as close to the lowest volume and you can still hear from outside..I'm embarrassed with my Raymond Lam Fung chinese songs playing so loud..maybe I can just listen to sermons, and make it really loud so hopefully someone will get saved from the bus..lol

Okay that's my review for now.

Meanwhile, I have to go write a chinese essay now, about my pets.

But how? what am i going to write about? I have no pets, and I dislike animals.

But I recently made a friend..

I guess my story will go something like..

Hi, my name is Piffy. I don't know why my owner gave me such a lame name. But anyway, she's still quite nice to me, she picks my poo up all the time and gives me treats eventhough i can't do the tricks. But besides her, no one else is nice to me. I used to bite her dad's slippers and he will start shouting : aiya that stupid piffy ah" and I will run away and hide under my little pillow. My owner has a very attractive friend that hates me too, well I think she's pretty, not until my owner decides to dissect me. After that, I have no feelings for women anymore.

The end.

I am back 2010.

Hi Everyone,

It has been more than a year since I've touched and looked at this blog. I know that no one reads this stupid thing now BUT i'm going to promote it soon so don't worry blog someone will come and read you soon.

I guess i won't waste much time but to start up my first ever post for 2010!

A fresh new start!

Today was mother's day. We had a tiny mothers day presentation at church today- got some of the yags and youth to come up to thank their mums. While I was writing a card for my mum and making her overnight bed in breakfast last night, I thought to myself, when would I ever tell my mum "Mummy I love you " again?

Some people may go : what? as if not tell your mum that you love her? I don't, I can't, I don't know how to

I grew up in a family where it was very awkward for me to do things that family do- hug my parents, d&m with siblings. I was talking to Tim on msn last night, and i told him this : " brb i gtg up to say hi to Gladys"

and this is what he said


and i said : " I DO THIS EVEYRDAY"

just that i don't go " hi gladys, how are you? how's your day been, how's your work going"

but i say 3 things whenever i go visit her

3. WHAT DID MUMMY COOK TODAY(if i wasn't home) or OMG GO TO SLEEP ALREADY (if i was home)

and that's it.

people always go: why are you so rude to your sister/ or, why do you talk like that?

and my answer is

"that's the way we communicate..it's weird when we try to be nice to each other"

I can't never imagine myself going to her saying : hey gladdi i'm so stressed out with my exam =( or, hey gladdi let's hang out!

but the good thing is, that my sister has been coming to tell me about her problems, it was awkward at the start..but now it's getting much better

Our sister relationship has definitely improved within the last year or so. We used to fight heaps, like heaps, over small things like : OMG just TURN OFF THE TV, no you're closer, no i'm not you are! OMG SHUT UP etc..

or even the worst things like

"omg do you know how pretty i am.."
"omg you think you're pretty..do you know how pretty i am??"

i know it's embarrassing isn't it?

After all, I really want to thank God for changing my heart and my sister's heart, and our attitude towards each other. I thank God that my sister. who used to bribe me and blackmail me that she'll never ever come to youth again has finally changed to become a sister now that really enjoys youth, and that she really wants to have a close relationship with God now.

Thank you father. Thank you for my family.