Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Shrek

Today I went for my "twice in a year free teeth cleaning" service by Dr Frank Yang. As usual, I found someone to go with me and drive me there- this time the victim was Billy Chu.

As usual, Dr Frank said my ugly looking teeth were perfectly fine besides having a couple of hot nandos chicken in between. As usual, he also recommended me to take my wisdom tooth out, but should I? or would I? I've been told to take my wisdom tooth out for years but I was just too lazy to do it because it never really irritated me that badly. I was also about to get braces ever since I was in year 10- even did all the xray scans etc but never got to it, reasons being-

1. exam coming soon don't want to be in pain
2. going for mission trip don't want to be in pain
3. going for holiday don't want to be not able to eat good food
4. I'm too old to do this, I'll look ugly
5. I'm working next year already I don't want to look like a nerd it's unprofessional.

I mean, do I reaaaally need good teeth? I'm not going to enter beauty pageants or anything, and if my future husband is happy enough for me to have these ugly teeth and stuff, then i'm fine with it. Does it really bother ppl when they talk to me and all they could focus on is my ugly teeth? I know I can always hide it in photos by doing my world famous "gloria smile" otherwise known as The Shrek

So I guess, no braces for me?

Anyway, besides that, I had a fun time hanging around and chatting with chubilly, went to box hill later to hang out for a bit and we managed to get internet on our phone for $4 a month! woo hoo! sooo cheap! 3 is the best.

Today was my first time drinking a whole bubble cup by MYSELF since Feb this year...3 months no bubble cup..pretty impressive eh.

Anyways, back to writing my chinese essay now about piffy. And afterwards, really looking forward to read this bad boy.

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