Thursday, June 24, 2010

One thing Emily Chow is better than me at

Besides the fact that I have bigger muscles and can do a better "passport photo" shrek smile than Emily, Emily is better than me in a lot of things: music, english, sports, a better sibling, beauty, height, eggs, driving, cooking, name it. One thing that Emily is better than me for sure is...


Who wins?

I have to admit, after my painful experience today, it's Perfect Sightreading.

Today i was kinda bored and thought of playing some songs that I heard from youtube on the piano, I then went to search for some piano scores, printed it out and notes are all above that five line thingy and I don't recognise them. So off I went line by line trying to count up from C. Anyway, after an hour, i only managed to play FOUR BARS...yes..not even a quater of a page..I literally had to write everything down cause I just could not read the notes properly.

So then, I decided to try and make use of my new found talent. I took my laptop, played the youtube song, and played by ear. and yes, I did managed to figure out how to play the song eventually, but it was soooo what if you can recognise all the notes? it's easy to play out a song that you already know, but a song that you don't really me even if I could identify all the notes I could not even memorize the first 20 seconds of it.

My oldest sister told me few days ago, it's either you have perfect pitch but really bad sightreading or perfect sightreading and not so good hearing.

So then I told myself, perfect pitch is not that good after all. I'd rather be good at sight reading...

so.. Congratulations Emily. Here, have some melonas.

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